Can anyone send me their CBSC 10th science question paper because I am preparing for state board exams
is the minimum age of admission in class I in CBSE affiliated schools? CBSE has not prescribed age of admission in school in class 1. Parents may follow the minimum age prescribed by the concerned State/U.T. Government where the school is situated.
Please refer Rule- 6 (iii) of Examination Bye-Laws
2 Has the Board fixed any age criteria to appear in class X examination? No, the Board has not fixed any minimum/maximum age to appear in class-10th examination. However; at the time of admission the student should satisfy the requirements of age limits (minimum & maximum) as determined by the State/U.T. Government and applicable to the place where the School is located.
3 What is the procedure for seeking admission in Class X? Admission to class X in a school is open to
A student who has passed class IX
Is migrating from/ within one city/ state to or shifting of his/her family from one place to another.
Application has to be forwarded by the new school to Regional Office concerned together with details and certified copies of the following documents, within one month of admission of the student for obtaining post facto approval of the Board:
Progress report card of the previous class.
Transfer/ school Leaving Certificate duly countersigned by the Educational Authorities in respect of State/ other than CBSE.
Transfer/Movement Order of the parent(s) in respect of transfer or proof of new residence in respect of shifting of family from one place to another.
Please refer Rule- 7.3 of Examination Bye-Laws
4 What is the eligibility criterion for a student to appear as a private candidate under Delhi Scheme in the Board examination in class X? The following category of candidates can appear as private candidate under Delhi Scheme:
Failure of previous year
Women candidates who are bonafide residents of the National Capital Territory of Delhi; and satisfy the following additional conditions:-
that they have privately pursued the prescribed course of study under proper guidance; and
that they are unable to join a Secondary School affiliated to the Board or there are such other reasons compelling them to appear at the examination as a private candidate.
Women student who has left an institution at a stage earlier than or in class IX, shall be permitted to appear at the examination in the year in which she would have appeared, had she continued her studies in a recognized institution upto Secondary Examination.
A woman candidate shall be permitted to appear at the examination in the year in which she would have appeared, had she continued her studies in a recognized institution up to Secondary level.
Physically handicapped students on producing reasonable evidence of having difficulty to attend normal institutions in the subjects not involving practical training/examination.
Regular candidate (s) of the previous year who have completed regular course of studies and have been allotted Roll No. for appearing at the examination but could not appear at the Annual Examination due to medical reasons except shortage of attendance as laid down in the Examination Bye laws