Computer Science, asked by onlinestudy, 1 year ago

Can anyone tell me how to create a web application using servlet oracle and hibernate?


Answered by Sukhveerkaur
hey mate !! this is your answer

- Introduction2- The principle when programming Servlet + JSP3- View Demo of Web Application will do4- Prepare database5- Create WebApp Project6- Configuring the runtime environment7- Run application for first time8- Download and declare JDBC library9- Download and declare JSTL library10- Javabean classes simulated tables in the database11- Database Connection Utility classes12- The utility class & manipulate data13- Create Servlet Filter connect to Database14- Servlet Filter reads Cookies to automatically login15- EncodingFilter Servlet16- Pages reuse17- Home Page18- Login Page - LoginServlet19- Product List Page20- Add Product Page21- Edit Product Page22- Delete Product

hope it helps

onlinestudy: I did it all but getting a class not found exception
onlinestudy: org.hibernate.configuration exception
Sukhveerkaur: ok
onlinestudy: can you give any link of website or you tube where i can clear all my doubts?
Sukhveerkaur: sorry but i don't know
Sukhveerkaur: ??
Sukhveerkaur: can you followe
Sukhveerkaur: * follow me
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