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a.) Giuseppe Mazzini : he was an Italian revolutionary, who played an important role in promoting the idea of unification of Italian state. At the age of 20 he joined a secret society at Carbonari. He was sent into exile at the age of 24 in 1831 for attempting a revolution in Liguria. He came to France in 1830 and founded two secret underground societies, under the name of 'Young Italy' and 'Young Europe', which aimed at infusing the spirit of fraternity among Italians. Their members were from Poland, France, Italy and the German states. Mazzini roamed in England and France, but continued writing articles, addressing and inspiring his countrymen. Mazzini laid the foundation of Italy's unification and inculcated the thoughts of patriotism among Italians duty and sacrifice. He was a poet, a idealistic thinker and a pioneer of revolution.
b.) Count Camillo de Cavour : In 1848, he was elected a member of the first of Sardinia-Piedmont. He was neither a revolutionary or a democratic. He was convinced that economic progress and powerful army were two vital forces for the unification of Italy. In 1852,he became the Prime Minister and a new chapter opened in the history of Italy. He proved himself to be an extraordinary diplomat and marvellous politician of his time. Like Mazzini and Garibaldi, Cavour also was a true patriot and had determined to see Italy independent and unified.
c.) Greek War of Independence : An event that mobilised nationalist feelings among the educated elite across Europe was the Greek war of Independence. The war of Independence took place from 1821-1829 among the Greek revolutionaries against the Ottoman Empire. The Greek nationalists were inspired by the idea of Liberal Nationalism. They got support from the other Greeks living in exile and also from many Western European who had sympathies for ancient Greek culture. There were poets and artists who hailed Greece as the cradle of European civilisation. Finally, the Treaty of Constantinople of 1832 recognised Greece as an Independent nation.
d.) Frankfurt Parliament : a large number of middle class professionals-businessmen and prosperous artisans belonging to different regions of Germany came together in a political association and decided to vote for an all German National Assembly in the city of Frankfurt. In 1848, 831 people were elected wnd decided to organise the Parliament at Frankfurt in the Church of St. Paul. This assembly drafted a Constitution for a German nation to be headed by a monarch, subject to a Parliament. When the deputies offered the crown on these terms to Friedrich Wilhelm IV, King of Prussia, he rejected it and joined other monarchs to oppose the elected assembly. The Parliament was dominated by the middle classes, who resisted the demands of workers and artisans and consequently lost their support. In the end, troops were called in and the assembly was forced to disband.
e.) The role of women in nationalist struggles : over the years, a significant role was played by women in the national struggle, all over the world. They were active participants, who suffered torture, stood in the protests, founded newspapers, taken part in political meetings and demonstrations, spread the idea of Liberal nationalism and also formed few revolutionary organisations. Though they were given either very little or no political rights an example being the Frankfurt Parliament, where women were admitted only as observers to stand in the visitor's gallery.