Can continuous and prolonged farming on a particular piece of land lead to better yield from it? Explain the
reason. Also describe the role of bacteria in maintaining the soil fertility.
➡Excessive nutrients can cause adverse effects on plant growth, increase the potential for environmental contamination due to leaching, and represents a waste of resources. In particular, above optimum nitrogen and phosphorus levels can lead to excessive plant and algal growth in waterways that can degrade drinking water, fisheries, and recreational areas. !
➡High potassium can lead to an imbalance of base saturation levels as well as high soluble salts (an optional test available with the Routine Soil Analysis). High calcium and magnesium levels are commonly associated with pH values above 7.0. In addition, high organic matter levels can cause poor drainage.!
•The ability to supply essential plant nutrients and water in adequate amounts and proportions for plant growth and reproduction; and
•The absence of toxic substances which may inhibit plant growth.
•Sufficient soil depth for adequate root growth and water retention;
•Good internal drainage, allowing sufficient aeration for optimal root growth although some plants, such as rice, tolerate waterlogging