Can i get the some information of digestive system
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1. the digestive system is known as the alimentary canal of human body.
- it starts from the buccal cavity and ends with anus.
- the buccal cavity secretes saliva from salivary glands which help in partial digesting of carbohydrates.from there the food enters into food pipe called oesophagus.
- then the food enters the stomach where the gastric glands in the inner wall of stomach release gastric JUICES-HCL, pepsin and mucous. HCL kills the germs and bactarias in food. pepsin digests the protein into simpler form and mucous protects the inner wall of stomach from the harmful Hydrochloric acid.
- then the food passes into small intestine passing through gastric sphincter.the pancreas releases pancreatic juices such as trypsin,lipase and pancreatic amylase which help in digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates respectively.
- the liver which is the largest gland of human body releases the bile juice which is stored in gall bladder helps in the digestion of fats.
- inside the small intestine,there are small finger like projections called villi are present which increases the surface area for the absorption of the nutrients from the food.villi are connected with the large streams of blood which transport food to different parts of body.
- the intestinal juices further digest the food particles.
- then the food enters the large intestine where the water and nutrients are reabsorbed from the digested food materials.
10. after all the faecal matter is expelled out of the body through a muscular pipe called rectum and controlled by anal sphincter.the faeces release out through an aperture called anus.
this is all about the digestive system in human body.
hope it helps you.
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the digestive system consists of the gastrointestinal tract plus the accessory organ of digestion . digestion involves the break down of food into smaller and smaller components until they can be absorbed and assimilated into the body . the process of digestion has many stages
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