English, asked by subrinadhanraj, 1 year ago

Can I plz have a paragraph describing Aron Smart in the novel black midas.

Thank you.

Someone plz help.



Answered by aiza04
Greed is a powerful manipulator. Just like the mythical King Midas fell because of his love for gold, Aron ‘Shark’ Smart, fell from high when he lost his mighty touch. As son to the well-known gold miner Joe Smart, Shark had inherited the touch to strike it rich. When he did, he lived rich, spending it all, forgetting that even wealth is finite. He should have saved something for a rainy day, but instead he enjoyed being praised as the Diamond King. Soon the vultures descended upon him to pick his wealth, promising mountains more. Shark, inexperienced to the sly tactics of city sharks, was picked clean and left to pick up the pieces. In his arrogance, he left for the gold fields again believing his luck would hold. This time, however, his greed demanded a far more costly prize: he had to sacrifice a limb to be whole again. Just like the mythical King Midas, who got donkey ears for his arrogance and became the laughing stock of the classical world, Shark, once praised as Ocean Shark, the Diamond King, was spit at and one leg shorter
Answered by Anonymous


  • Carter uses metaphors in his poem to describe and characterize people /object which he mentions in the poem. He uses metaphor to reveal the hopelessness of the situation.

  • Carter uses repetition and anaphora in order to place emphasis on phrases. Carter uses repetition to emphasize how dreadful the situation is.
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