Science, asked by jimsonmapalinta, 10 months ago

Can man change or adjust mars environment to make it suitable for human habitation? How


Answered by Catherena


Can Man alter Mars environment to make it more suitable forhuman habitation? How?

Being that Mars is the most earth-like planet, it is the best candidate for Terraforming. But what does Terraforming means? And how does it work?


is the process of transforming of hostile environment into onesuitable for human life. To Terraform Mars, Engineers would have to nd a wa! "f thickening its atmosphere, whose pressure is a hundreth of that on Earth. #naddition, wa!s will have to be found to heat up the planet. At present, its surfacetemperature can plunge to minus $"c and below. %owever heating and thickening& can be possible, sa! researcher. The idea is to build a large mirror, man! miles indiameter, and place its orbit above Mars. This would then focus the 'un(s ra!sonto polar ice cap, melting it and releasing its fro)en carbon dio*ide contents. Thecarbon dio*ide would then trigger greenhouse heating. +Another alternative is to construct plants for generating super-greenhouse gases-made of comple* combinations of carbon, chlorine and uorine, and which arethousands of times more e/ective than carbon dio*ide trapping heat. These wouldbe built at strategic sites across the planet and should also trigger globaltemperature rises. Thickening Martians atmosphere would protect it surface fromultra-violet radiation. According to 0r. 1hris Mc 2a!- based at 3A'A(s Ames4esearch 1enter in 1alifornia-5ith a thicker, warmer atmosphere, ice Trapped inMartians soil would melt and could be used to sustain agriculture. 5ith plants andtree imported from Earth growing and producing o*!gen, the atmosphere wouldbecome slowl! more Earth-like. 3A'A scientist believe that it is technologicall! possible at the present time tocreate considerable global climate change. Therefore, allowing humans to live onMars. Astronomers likewise believe that Mars could be turned into little Earth,though this would take decades to achieve this goal and this will not be b! an!means an eas! task since this would reuire massive e*penditure.

Answered by anvitanvar032


Te correct answer of this question is Mars habitats can be altered in response to surface conditions. There should be no oxygen in the air, low pressure, and high radiation.


Given - Man change or adjust mars environment to make it suitable for human habitation.

To Find - How Can man change or adjust mars environment to make it suitable for human habitation.

Mars habitats can be altered in response to surface conditions. There should be no oxygen in the air, low pressure, and high radiation.

Mars is the most suitable place for humans to live in the entire solar system. That is to say, after the Earth. There are several reasons to support the preceding statement. One of the reasons could be that the soil contains water that is easily extracted.

There is also less carbon dioxide in the air. We can introduce cyanobacteria to convert carbon dioxide into oxygen.

We can also raise the temperature of the planet. This can be accomplished by erecting massive orbital mirrors. These mirrors will direct attention to the poles.


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