Can some one make flow cahrt of complete unification of balkand
Ideas of Liberalism and Nationalism spread by Napoleon across Europe
Revolution of 1848 sweep across Europe but fail because of ,
unrealistic appreciation of what Nat’l unification required.
Decay of Habsburg
Decay of Ottoman
Subject peoples want to
found their own independent
Nationalist movements in the
Balkans destabilize the already
Crumbling Habsburg and
Ottoman Empire
Russia moves in as the champion of
Slavic liberties vs. Austria and Turkey
Rising in tensions between Austria,
Turkey and Russia
Italy broken into
many states
Germany broken
into many states
Italians and Germans want to found
their own independent nation-states
Italy unified by 1871
under leadership of
Mazzini, Count
Cavour and Garibaldi
Germany unified
by 1871 under
leadership of Otto
von Bismarck
Both nations strive to industrialize but
only Germany succeeded.
Rising for tensions upsets
balance of power
Outbreak of World War I
Austria, France
and Popes have
control over some
Italian states
Count Cavour
got control of
Northern Italy
Garibaldi got
control of
Southern Italy
Rome joined
Unification of Italy