can someone answer this

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Hey Mate
Please see the attachment accordingly to your question for better understanding.
For your first question
The steps are:
1) Draw a line segment of 6 CM.
2) The take a point "o" on it that measures 3 CM.
3) With P as center draw a semi-circle, cutting AB at M and N.
4) With M as the center and radius more than half of MN draw an arc above the line segment.
5) With N as the center do the same.
6) Name the new point "P" or anything you like.
7) join P and O.
For your second question
The steps are:
1) Draw a line segment PQ of length 6.5 and take a point O away from it.
2) With O as the center draw an arc cutting PQ at M and N.
3) With M as the center draw an arc more than the half of MN. Do the same with the N and draw 2 arc interesting each other.
4) Name the name the new point "S".
5) join O and S.
For you third question do the same as you have done for the second question.
Hope this will help you
Please mark me as brainlist.

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