Can someone give me notes of improvements in food resources for class 9th
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All living organisms need food because:
It provides carbohydrates, fats vitamins and minerals
It allows development of the organisms
It is needed to gain energy for everyday tasks
Main sources of food:
Plants – obtained from agriculture
Animals – obtained from animal husbandry
The efficiency of crops and livestock is required in India because:
The population of India is growing at a faster rate hence more amount of food is required to meet the rising demand.
The agricultural land is limited as compared to the growing population.
Efforts made to meet the increase in food demands
Green Revolution – The introduction of modern technology and equipment, usage of fertilizers and high-quality seeds
White Revolution – Increasing the growth of milk production by introducing dairy development programs
The introduction of these revolutions has led to an increased use of natural resources hence now sustainable methods of increasing crops and livestock efficiency are also required.
Improvement in Crop Yields
Different types of crops and their Nutritional Value
Crop Examples Value
Wheat, rice, maize, millets, sorghum
Gram, black gram, green gram, pigeon pea, lentil
Soybean, groundnut, sesame, castor, mustard, sunflower
Vegetables, Spices and Fruits
Carrot, Cinnamon, orange, spinach
Minerals, vitamins and small amounts of Carbohydrates, fats and proteins
Fodder crops
Berseem, oats, sudan grass
Food for Livestock
Different types of Crops
Figure 1 Different types of Crops
Different crops grow in different Seasons because they require a particular climate temperature and photoperiod for their growth.
Crop Season Example
Rainy (June to October)
Rice, maize, millets
Winter (November to April)
Soybean, pigeon pea, wheat
Summer (March to June)
Sugarcane, Watermelon, Cucumber
Activities that lead to improvement in the crop yield:
Crop Variety Improvement
Crop Production Improvement
Crop Production Management
Crop Variety Improvement
In this approach, crops are selected on the basis of their characteristics. For instance, how well they can respond to fertilizers, can they produce high yield, how they resist diseases and so on.
Different methods of Crop Variety Improvement
1. Hybridisation - In this process, genetically different plants are crossbred.
They can be three types of crossing
Intervarietal - Between two varieties of a plant
Interspecific - Between two species belonging to same genus
Inter Generic - Between species of different genus
2. Introduction of Gene - A gene that can provide the desirable characteristics to a crop are introduced in this process. As a result, we obtain genetically modified crops.
Factors on which Crop Yield Generally Depends
The seeds used by the farmers - The seeds that are of similar variety are preferable.
Climate or Weather Conditions - Crops that can sustain diverse climatic conditions are preferable.
The duality of the Soil - Crops that can survive in a highly saline soil are preferable.
Availability of Water - Crops should be grown as per the availability of water in the region.
Why do we need to perform a crop variety improvement?
Increasing the yield of the crops
Improving the quality of the crop. Different crops may have different qualities. For Example, pulses have high protein quality, oilseeds have oil quality fruits and vegetables must have preserving quality.
Improving crop resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. Biotic stresses referred to the diseases, insects and nematodes while abiotic stresses referred to floods, drought, heat and cold weather conditions.
To shorten the maturity period of crops. This will allow farmers to grow a variety of crops in a year.
It would also lead to an increase in the yield of the crop as it reduces the chances of losses during the harvesting and simplifies the harvesting period.
Achieving the required agronomic characteristics of crops such as the right height, weight, lodging, resistance and high yield. In this way, they would consume the right nutrients and would produce a higher yield.
Crop Production Management
Different farmers can have small or large farms on which they can use different farming practices. The choice of farming practices would depend upon the availability of financial resources money. Hence, production practices can be divided into different levels
1. No cost Production
2. Low-cost Production
3. High-cost Production
Nutrition Management
16 Essential Nutrients that plants need –
Essential nutrients for plants
(i) Higher yield: To increase the productivity of the crop per acre.
(ii) Improved quality: Quality of crop products vary from crop to crop.
(iii) Biotic & Abiotic resistances : Crop production reduces due to biotic and abiotic factors. Varieties resistant to these factors can improve crop production.