Accountancy, asked by nya84, 3 months ago

Can someone help me find the nature of the transaction, asset identification, meaning of balance sheet changes and accounts, accounting formation for this applications.
1.The entity ”Gama” performs, through its own effort, within its it department, a program for stock records worth 12.000 lei.
2.A fully depreciated accounting program worth 3.000 lei is taken out of the account, according to the minutes of the decrease in the accounts.




Can someone help me find the nature of the transaction, asset identification, meaning of balance sheet changes and accounts, accounting formation for this applications.

1.The entity ”Gama” performs, through its own effort, within its it department, a program for stock records worth 12.000 lei.

2.A fully depreciated accounting program worth 3.000 lei is taken out of the account, according to the minutes of the decrease in the accounts.

Answered by itzbangtanprincess


Can someone help me find the nature of the transaction, asset identification, meaning of balance sheet changes and accounts, accounting formation for this applications.

1.The entity ”Gama” performs, through its own effort, within its it department, a program for stock records worth 12.000 lei.

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