English, asked by mikeosxar, 11 months ago

can someone help review my readmission essay to engineering

Please outline the reasons that lead you to be assigned an academic standing of require to withdraw?

I have always been an introvert. Therefore throughout my life in the schooling system I have always relied on myself and faced challenges without reaching out for help. When I came to Canada I have carried that method with me. So when I faced new courses I have relied on my past study habits and methods of not asking for help. I was also uneasy when I was taking exams in the exam hall since there are many students in the same room stressed me out since I am not used to being around many people. In addition to that I did not know how to ask for help was needed as I didnt know where to go for it .With that in mind I had a hard time learning to be independent as it was challenging, there was also a lack of family support because they are overseas as well as never shared the difficulties because I don't want parents to disappointed. I have also forgotten the basis of chemistry and physics since I've taken these 4 years back since during my last 2 years I have focused on organic chemistry and modern physics, so it was difficult for me to relearn them at a fast pace. In addition to that the way I was taught to study was passive studying from grade 9 but currently I realized very late that my old habits won’t assist me in achieving my goal. After the first set of midterms came to an end I procrastinated and started calculating the minimum grade to pass. Getting bad grades I lost confidences and will power to continue to try. Never experienced academic failure because I was always a high achiever in high school. Poor time management skill, poor communication skills with professors and TA's played a major role in my failure.

During your period of suspension what actions did you take to address these issues?

Reality hit me when my letter of dismissal came. Although I expected consequences, I was devastated when I finally understood the gravity of my situation. I realized that I had to pull myself together and seek help. I reached out to my parents, who expressed their disappointment but unfazed support, and my friends, who helped me resolve several issues that had been haunting me.

It taught me humility, how to recover from catastrophic failure, how to own up to my own mistakes, how to motivate myself, how to recognize undesirable patterns in my own behaviour, and opened my eyes to the importance of effort, creativity, social networking, and persistence. It taught me that asking for help is ok.

I have accepted this is just a minor set back in the grand scheme of things yet to unfold in my life.since then I have enrolled at a Al-Risala academy to rebuild my foundation of core subjects. Since previously my poor study habits/passive studies, have been a factor in my failure , I was introduced to a new method of studying active studying which have helped me focus on getting an understanding of concepts rather than just memorizing it, it has also helped me manage my study time using the pandora technique at first i would sit long hours with very little result but as off now by relearning the basics and applying this new technique I am confident that this catastrophic failure will not happen again.

The reason I chose a school instead of reviewing my notes on my own was to study in a formal setting guided by a teacher and surround myself by students .This allowed me to to tackle some of my insecurities.Taking Grade 12 courses in English, Chemistry, Calculus and Physics to strength the fundamental understanding and to rebuild the study habits and routine. Adjusting to Canadian lifestyle. In addition to that I have started to share personal difficulties with parent, friends and teachers so I can be stronger. Balance time, accepting failures and constantly working to improve. Building up confidence in asking questions and the teachers always encouraged students to ask.

If I were readmitted, I will make sure that I am able to live up to the standards of the university upon which I was accepted. I will also use office hours and TA sessions to their fullest greatest extent to ensure my grades meet up to the my program expectations
. I am now also capable of seeking help when I am having personal issues and I will take advantage of the student health center, the wellness exchange, and my support network when I realize something is wrong.I am confident that I can complete my studies and be a successful student.I will also try to get involved with my classmates, upper classmates, professors and teaching Assistant. As of now I have refocused on my end goal and will do my very best to achieve it , when given another chance.


Answered by tanujaprabhudesai
very nice this is....
Answered by Anonymous
I will also try to get involved with my classmates, upper classmates, professors and teaching Assistant. As of now I have refocused on my end goal and will do my very best to achieve it , when given another chance.
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