can someone please explain me this ?

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a) diagram
Coulomb measured the force between two point charges and found that it varied inversly
as the square of the distance between the charges and was directly proportional to the product of the
magnitude of two charges and acted along the line of joining the two charges.
Thus if two point charges q1 and q2 are separated by a distance r in vacuum,
the magnitude of the force F between them is given by,
The constant k in eqn.(1) is usually put as
,so that Coulombs law is written as
where εo is permitivity of free space and it is given by, εo =
Since force is vector, we need to write Coulombs law in vector notation.
{The rest is in the attachment}
Hope it helps

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4 + 4x^6 + 10x^2. x^4 + 4x^4 +x^6.
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