Chemistry, asked by cherrydiaz, 5 months ago

Can someone please explain the whole concept of Language of Chemistry? I'm really lost in class and need help. These r the things I need help with:
Discussing atoms, molecules and radicals and explain the difference between them. Thanks whoever was kind enough to help and may good things happen to you!!

• Discussing different examples of elements having mono, di, tri and poly atomicity.
• Preparing a list of some elements and radicals, which have valency of 1, 2, 3 and 4.
• Explaining the meaning of valency and correlating the valency with the group number of the periodic table. • Discussing that development of the periodic table is a classification of the element and is based on their
Language of chemistry
• Demonstration by teacher of these changes through activities: Colour: KI + Lead acetate reaction. Yellow colour and precipitates are formed, gas formation: NH4Cl. NH3 gas is evolved, heat formation: HCl+ NaOH; heat is evolved (Activity)
physical and chemical properties
• Electronic configurations and atomic structures • Lab safety
• Demonstration by teacher: Adding dilute HCl to solid sodium carbonate taken in a test tube. A reaction takes place with the evolution of gas. (Activity)
• Guiding children to identify the reactants and products of the reaction, put an arrow in between the reactants and products with the arrow pointing towards the products side.
• Guiding students about the criss cross method to write chemical formulae • Involving each child to write word equations of some simple reactions.
Synthesis reaction/combination reaction: definition, examples
• Decomposition reaction: definition, examples
• Simple displacement reactions: definition, examples
• Double displacement reaction: definition, examples
• Revisiting earlier concepts.
• Building on children’s previous learning.
• Discussing that concentration of components of air is not fixed at all places. Hence it is
a mixture.
• Making a Pie chart presentation to show the composition of air and discussing the
same with children.
• Preparing a list of the uses of oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide.
• Placing a candle in a plate of water. Candle goes off when oxygen is used up. (Recall
demonstration in class VI).
• (Activity) There is an increase in mass due to gain of oxygen from the atmosphere in
the formation of MgO.
• Guiding the children to write word equations of the reactions.
• Identifying that in acid rain, the acidic oxides, namely SO2, CO2, nitrogen oxides
dissolve in rain water. The acids so formed damage the heritage buildings like the Taj
Mahal. The stone of Taj Mahal is CaCO3 which reacts with acids present in rain.
• Preparing a report in groups on the effects of acid rain on Taj Mahal and the efforts of
the Government. Waste gases from factories, emission from vehicles contributing to
the change in the composition of air and damaging environment. (Report)
• Organising children’s activity – assigning in groups on a Project on the consequences of acid rain on bridges, cars, machines, coral reef, aquatic organisms, agriculture and
presenting the findings in class.
• Demonstrating reactions of combustion of wood and rusting of spade.


Answered by serajmohd764


The definition of chemistry is a branch of science that deals with the form and properties of matter and substances or the interaction between individuals. An example of chemistry is the study of protons and neutrons. An example of chemistry is the feeling of affection and attraction between a couple.

Answered by ayanzubair

Acid is a kind of chemical compound that when dissolved in water gives a solution with H+ ion activity more than purified water. A base is an aqueous substance that donates electrons, accept protons or release hydroxide (OH-) ions. An acid is a proton donor. While a base is a proton acceptor.

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