Can someone please send solutions for the above worksheet
1.ans:- 5 steps...ingestion, digestion, absorption, assimilation and egestion.
2.ans:- by the process of endocytosis.
3.ans:- accessory organ....tongue,salivary gland, pancrease, liver and gallbladder.
4.ans..cattle, goat , deer,etc..
5.ans:- colour of starch is changed blue- black...
7ans:- because they have 4 stomach .
8.ans:- tantecles....which is present in hydra. tongue amylase enzyme is present....
1.ans:- the juice secret by the liver in our body is knwn as bile, it helps the body absorbed the fats into the bloodstream.and yellow green substance in the gallbladder in our body..
2.ans:- In our body in the small intestine absorbed most of digested food molecules...even water and is store ...but after some it's chemically change.