Can someone send best ppt for studying cockroach anatomy?
Cockroach - Periplaneta americana
Phylum : Arthropoda
Class. : Insects
Order. : Orthoptera
Genus. : Periplaneta
Species : americana
Cockroach is a typical Cosmopolitan insect and exhibit all the fundamental characteristics of class insecta. Generally cockroaches are reddish brown or black bodied with the light brown margin in the first thoracic segment.
They are omnivores ,nocturnal, living in damp and warm places under quite common in kitchens, hotels, bakeries, restaurants, Ware house,sewage and public places.Periplaneta is a cursorial(Swift runner )animal.It is dioecious and oviparous and exhibits parental care.
They carry with them harmful germs of various bacterial diseases like Cholera ,diarrhoea, tuberculosis and typhoid and hence are known as Vectors.
Anatomy ( refer my attachments).