History, asked by reyanshthigulla, 7 months ago

Can someone solve this entire worksheet and upload the answers. PFA the worksheet and the copy pasted text for your reference- VSAQ 1. Who was Hitler's propaganda Minister? 2. Which tribunal was set up after World War II to punish the Nazis for their crime against humanity? 3. What was 'Genocidal war'? 4. What was the German Parliament called? 5. Name the peace treaty signed after World War I. 6. Mention two most important clauses of the Treaty of Versailles. 7. When and between whom was the Treaty of Versailles signed? 8. Who were called 'November Criminals'? 9. What happened when Germany refused to pay war reparation to France? 10. Why the value of German currency mark fell? 11. What does 'Hyperinflation' mean? 12. What was the condition of unemployed youth in Germany during economic crisis? 13. What does 'Proletarianisation' mean? 14. What was 'Article 48' of Weimer Republic? 15. Who was Hitler? 16. How 'Nazi Party' was formed? 17. What promise was made by Hitler as a leader of Germany to the people? 18. When and by whom Hitler was offered highest position in the Cabinet of ministers 19. How Hitler started dismantling democratic rule in Germany? 20. What was the significance of 'Enabling Act'? 21. Which Security forces were created by Nazis to control order in society? 22. Which famous economist was appointed by Hitler for economic recovery? 23. How did Hitler follow the slogan of 'One people, one empire and leader'? 24. What was the immediate cause of World War II? 25. Among which three countries 'Tripartite Pact' was signed? 26. Who were considered 'undesirable' by Hitler? 27. How schools in Nazi Germany were 'cleansed' and 'purified'? 2 28. What was Jungvolk? 29. How honour crosses were awarded to women for producing children? 30. Which was the most in famous film in which orthodox Jews were stereotyped and marked? 31. Who wrote the book 'Third Reich of Dreams'? 32. What was written in this book? 33. What was 'Holocaust'? 34. What is referred to as Fascism in History? Mention two Fascist powers which existed during the Second World War. 35. Give the name of the book written by Hitler. Mention two ideas expressed by Hitler in the book. 36. How did the US help Germany to overcome the 1923 financial crisis? 37. Name the four countries included in the Allied Powers in World War 38. Which countries were known as Axis Powers in World War II? 39. List the single most factor for the victory of the Allies in World War I. 40. What were the provisions and significance of the Fire Decree (Feb. 28, 1933)? 41. Why Hitler’s attack on Soviet Union is in 1941 regarded ‘a historic blunder’? 42. What event brought the end of World War II? 43. The retribution meted out to the Nazis after World War fl was far short in extent of their crimes. Why? 44. Why was the International Military Tribunal set up in Nuremberg and for what did it prosecute the Nazi’s? 45. Who according to Hitler topped the racial hierarchy? Who formed the lowest rung of the hierarchy? 46. Where and when did Hitler and his propaganda minister Goebbels commit suicide? 47. Why did Germany want Sudetenland? SAQ 48. Describe the events leading to the economic crisis in Germany. 49. How did the economic crisis begin in the USA? 50. How did Hitler capture power in Germany? 51. How were Darwin and Herbert Spencer's ideas adopted by Hitler or Nazis? 52. Why was the Weimar Republic not well received by the people of Germany? 53. What factors enabled the change of Germany’s Political System after World War I? 54. How did the Jews feel in Nazi Germany? 55. Why did Germany attack Poland? What were its consequences? 56. How did the common people react to Nazi behavior and propaganda of Jews? 3 LAQ 57. What efforts were made by Hitler to establish dictatorship? 58. How was a 'Racial State' established by Hitler in Germany? 59. What kind of education was given in Nazi schools? 60. Explain the status of women in the German society. 61. How was the Holocaust practiced in Germany? 62. Trace the 'destruction of democracy' in Germany. 63. What was the Nazis 'Art of Propaganda'? 64. Describe any two causes of rise and popularity of Nazism and mention any four reconstruction measures adopted by Hitler in Germany. 65. What were the main reasons of birth of Weimer Republic in Germany? Describe the problems faced by the Weimer Republic. 66. What was Hitler’s World View? MAP (For locating and labeling / Identification) Major countries of Second World War Axis Powers – Germany, Italy, Japan Allied Powers – UK, France, Former USSR, USA Territories under German expansion (Nazi Power) Austria, Poland, Czechoslovakia (only Slovakia shown in the map), Denmark, Lithuania, France, Belgium



Answered by pavanimahalakshmi209


oh no because it is not understanding

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