English, asked by begonelosers, 3 months ago

can someone summarize this text please:

Learning about the Solar System-
When scientists looked at the stars long ago, they saw patterns. They did not understand everything about what they saw, so they kept looking in order to learn more. That is what scientists do. They ask questions and search for information to answer their questions. They are similar to explorers. While they do not travel far the way explorers do, they do make a kind of journey. Scientists want to learn more, so their journey is to travel from what they know to what they discover. Scientists have learned several facts about our planet. They’ve discovered that it is very large and also incredibly diverse. There are both places that are extremely hot and spots that are freezing. There are mountains and plains, hills and valleys. There are deep oceans and there are great rivers and waterfalls. There are tropical rainforests and arid deserts. Those are all various components of our planet. Still, there is much more to learn about what is here on Earth. A scientist dedicates muc


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