can students appeared in big bang edge test 1 can also appear in BIG BANG EDGE TEST 2
yes surely
Step-by-step explanation:
if havent taken admission in fiitjee ur welcome to write the test.
Those Students who had registered for Big Bang Edge Test (20th October 2019) but were unable to appear owing to their participation in Regional Mathematical Olympiad (RMO) held on the same date. Such Students can appear in Big Bang Edge Test-II (10th November 2019) using their Hall Ticket of Big Bang Edge Test (20th October 2019) along with their RMO Admit Card.
Those Students from the States of Haryana & Maharashtra who had registered for Big Bang Edge Test (20th October 2019) but were unable to appear due to the non-conduction of the test in their cities due to the Elections held on 21st October, 2019. Such Students can appear in Big Bang Edge Test-II (10th November 2019) using their Hall Ticket of Big Bang Edge Test (20th October, 2019).
This is the answer provided by me and only by me. Don't think that I copied from other website. I saw about this in newspaper, NOT WEBSITE!!!