Science, asked by ImanFatima, 1 year ago

Can sugar be obtained from a sugar solution by heating the sugar solution and evaporating the water? Explain


Answered by anishntirpude
sugar cannot be get back by heating or eveaporation because when we dissolve sugar in water the sugar molucule goes in the inter molicular spaces of water
Answered by alimhassan826


Sugar molecules are most stable in a crystalline structure. If you leave a solution of sugar dissolved in water uncovered, the water will evaporate and the solution will become more and more concentrated. As the water molecules disappear, the sugar molecules find each other and join back into crystals.


Sugar cannot be separated from sugar solution by evaporation to dryness because sugar will char and decompose on heating. When sugar (sucrose) is heated, it undergoes dehydration. The crystalline structure breaks down and the molecules decompose into glucose and fructose. Water is lost.

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