Can the poem MIRROR be interpreted as applying to outdated ideas as well as to an agieng appearance ? Explain.
Yes, the poem Mirror can definitely be interpreted as applicable to outdated ideas and an aging appearance.
The lady’s need for the mirror has to do with her preoccupation with her appearance. She peers into the mirror each day, hoping to see something that might please her. Yet, she is tormented with the image that meets the eye. All that is reflected back is the image of an old woman, which disheartens her without fail. There are unfortunately, many women who can identify with the lady in the poem. Hence, women’s obsession with youthful appearance is one of the themes that Plath deals with.
The second theme is one of outdated ideas. It is possible that the lady’s vision goes beyond her appearance and bares her soul to her conscience. In such a case, there might be an internal conflict between what she is, as a social person and what she really wants to be at a personal level. There are chances of her being forced to stick to outdated ideas of how women should behave and their role in society, even though she is a talented woman, capable of charting her own course. The restrictions imposed upon her by the outdated yet socially approved ideas might be causing immense pain, making her cry each time she looks into the mirror.
In any case, there is a sense of tremendous helplessness which the woman is unable to overcome, despite being aware of the circumstances that led to it.