can two numbers have 7 as their HCF and 22 as their LCM ?
How do I find the 2 numbers when their LCM and HCF are given?
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If the two numbers are a and b and their LCM is x and their HCF is y then there is a rule that is a×b=x×y
Let's take an example. HCF of two numbers is 3 and LCM of those numbers is 90. Now product of HCF and LCM = 270. Is there anyway to find out those numbers? Now find the factors of 270 and verify Y is for yes and N is for no
Possible pairs of numbers are :
(3, 90), (6, 45), (9, 30) and (15, 18).
All the above mentioned pairs of numbers have 3 as HCF and 90 as LCM.
If LCM and HCF are given then there can be many possible pairs of numbers that fulfill the given criteria.