English, asked by mehulikharhana, 10 months ago

Can u give a short analysis on the novel merchant of Venice


Answered by ash5047


The Merchant of Venice summary key points:

Portia’s father’s will states that whoever wishes to marry her must solve a series of riddles or agree to remain a bachelor. Bassanio manages to solve them, much to Portia’s delight.

Antonio is unable to repay Shylock. Shylock locks him up and demands a pound of his flesh for repayment.

Antonio’s case is tried in court, where it is decided that Shylock cannot cut up Antonio. Shylock loses half his wealth and must convert to Christianity.

Portia and Nerissa testify against Shylock in his case while wearing disguises. Antonio is released and his wealth restored.

mehulikharhana: Thanks
ash5047: welcome
Answered by mansa92

The Merchant of venice is a short novel written by Shakespeare in this novel the young guy named bassanio can be told as hero and heroin of the story is Portia from belmond and bassanio lives in venice who has many friends like gratino, salanio, salarino antanio and salerio. And Shylock can be identified as Willian. Bassanio who fells love with Portia a rich and beautiful heiress of belmond. In order to present himself as an eligible suitor to Portia he asks or seeks loan from his best friend named Antanio. As when his friend asks him money he cant able to day no for him he had no money in his hand because his fortune are tied up with his ships at sea however he promises to help bassanio to take a loan from moneylender named Shylock bt using Antanios name.

shylock hates and Antanio because he lends money without interest and spoils his business as a money lender he is also bitter because of the insult made by Antonio on him and his race by antanio however shylock aggress to lend him 3000 duckets on an unusual bond.

if enter your face to repay the amount in 3 months Shylock will be cut a Pound of flesh from antanios body. Bassanio requests not to accept the bond but antanio didnt listenrd him and aggress the bondbhe has confident that his ship will return much before the due date of the payment of the loan.

However after all this tragedy bassanio wins portia by choosing lead casket out of three but antanio fell in tragedy his ships didnt return as it has been wricked in between the sea. Anyanio has wish to see his friend before he dies as he knows the fact after thst portia seeks advice from the lawyer nsmed bellario after that portia and nerissa who is her friend as well as her msid they both dressed as men to fight in antanios case. Portia by her intelligence she said that he can take antios flesh but with a condition that if he sheds a drop of antanios blood all his wealth and lands will be confiscated.

Portia also accuses him of an attempt to take a life of Venetian citizen but his life was been saved by duke on condition that he becames a Christian and leaves his assert after his death to his daughter named jessica Antanio s life had been saved by Portia so out of this gratitude bassanio and antanio gave there ring to the lawyer and his clerk.

After this Portia and nerissa played a game by scolding there husband for posting there rings. After a lot of fun and teasing Portia and nerissa told that they only becames lawyer and his clerk after this the news arrives that Antanios ship returned safely. There is a happy ending in the story but tragedy ending for Shylock

Hope this answer may help you friend.

Have a nice day

Thankyou so much friend for your points.

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