Physics, asked by pantulavenkatabhaska, 5 months ago

can we say stable form of energy is mass?​


Answered by rina85631


Lakh = 100 Thousands = 1 followed by 5 Zeros = 100,000. 10 Lakhs = 1 Million = 1 followed by 6 Zeros = 1,000,000. Similarly here, 1 Crore = 10Million = 1 followed by 7 Zeros = 10,000,000.

Answered by bariksasthi02

The theory of relativity deduces, from its fundamental assumption, a clear and convincing answer to this question, an answer again of a quantitative character: all energy resists change of motion; all energy behaves like matter; a piece of iron weighs more when red-hot than when cool; radiation traveling through space

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