Can you be framed by your own DNA? How might an individual’s own cells lead to false verdicts of guilt? In your explanation, provide one scenario in which this might occur.
Yes you can be framed by your own DNA!
- DNA is present in almost all cells inside your body. (Mature red blood cells and cornified cells of hair, nails and skin are an exception though DNA may be easily extracted from roots of the hair where live cells are more likely to be present. There are less chances of extracting DNA from cornified cells as the cell nucleus is destroyed during the process of cornification.
- We leave traces of our skin cells or DNA on almost all things that we or our body fluids touch or come in contact with. We can transfer our DNA on someone else's body even by a simple handshake.
- The forensic and judicial department may rely on DNA evidence if there are no proper fingerprints available, it also depends on the case which has occurred.
- DNA evidences prove to be crucial especially in cases of sexual assault or murder done by a close handheld weapon in which the weapon is missing and no fingerprints are found etc.
- A few such cases of false conviction have occurred in the past. You can refer the cases of Amanda Knox in 2007 and Lukis Anderson in 2012 they both were charged of murder based upon DNA evidence which was transferred by touch.
As per your request, following is one hypothetical scenario in which this might occur :-
- Imagine your school does not have cameras, you and one of your schoolmates were cutting and filing nails with the same nail cutter and nail filer to avoid the school punishment which you later kept somewhere and forgot about it.
- Later that day you went to his class to return the watch he left beside you in the morning while cutting nails, you upon reaching his class, you see him lying dead on the floor with a scarf on his neck and face. After knowing this as you turn back to leave the room to inform someone, a teacher arrives and sees you there, being familiar with your stubborn nature and your habit of fighting over small things she refuses to listen to you and concludes that you might have squeezed his neck too hard during during the fight to get some of his belongings, money or the expensive watch you came to return.
- Further legal proceedings happen with that perspective in absence of evidence, and eye witnesses because they found your cells in his nails during postmortem. And the only evidences of your innocence, that nail cutter and nail filer went missing. In these case you can be falsely convicted because you DNA was found in his nails indicating you fought with him and he attempted to scratch you in self defense.
Answer: Easily.
Explanation: You just had intimate relations with your significant other. You leave to go home where you live alone. There are 1) no cameras in the area or 2) they aren't working or 3) they aren't high quality or 4) your or someone else's face and/or other identifying features aren't in the camera's view.
All you really need to have done is be the last person to have had sexual relations with your partner, have a history of some discord in the relationship, etc. A neighbor who is a common visitor there enters after you leave and murders your partner.
You will be the first suspect and the main suspect. Your DNA will be there as will your history with your partner, as witnessed by friends, etc. It shouldn't be that way, but often innocent people are convicted simply because of the need to convict someone in the absence of absolute evidence.