can you help me pls???????

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Decimals are numbers that contain a decimal point. They can either be whole numbers or fractions, but they always have a decimal point. Even when we write whole numbers without a decimal point, the point is implied by the number system we use. Decimals are also fractions where the denominator is a power of ten. You need to know how this works to understand how decimals fit on a number line.
Fractions are ratios between two whole numbers separated by a line. The numerator is the first number and it represents the number of stuff you have while the second number, the denominator, tells us how much make the whole. They help us express values we cannot represent as whole numbers such as half (1/2) and quarter (1/4). We can even combine them with whole numbers to create mixed numbers such as 346¾, which we read as three hundred forty-five and three fourths. Decimals are just factions where the denominator is a power of ten.
Decimal numbers let us save space when writing fractions streamlining a lot of the arithmetic and math with that of whole numbers. We write these numbers as single numbers with a period. This period, called the decimal point, separates the whole number from the fractional part of the number. If we don’t have a whole number, we usually write a 0 in front of the decimal point.
Fractions are ratios between two whole numbers separated by a line. The numerator is the first number and it represents the number of stuff you have while the second number, the denominator, tells us how much make the whole. They help us express values we cannot represent as whole numbers such as half (1/2) and quarter (1/4). We can even combine them with whole numbers to create mixed numbers such as 346¾, which we read as three hundred forty-five and three fourths. Decimals are just factions where the denominator is a power of ten.
Decimal numbers let us save space when writing fractions streamlining a lot of the arithmetic and math with that of whole numbers. We write these numbers as single numbers with a period. This period, called the decimal point, separates the whole number from the fractional part of the number. If we don’t have a whole number, we usually write a 0 in front of the decimal point.
boy i an't reading that what ta hell brother
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