Biology, asked by saraharab915, 7 months ago

can you help me with an essay about
atleast 5 paragraphs including:
- introduction [1 paragraph]
-main body [3 to 4 paragraphs]
- conclusion [1 paragraph]
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Answered by Anonymous

They play an important role in medicine yielding antibiotics, in agriculture by maintaining the fertility of the soil and causing crop and fruit diseases, forming basis of many industries and as important means of food. Some of the fungi are important research tools in the study of fundamental biological processes.


Answered by gonapranathi



Fungi include hundreds of species which are of tremendous economic importance to man. In fact our lives are intimately linked with those of fungi. Hardly a day passes when we are not benefited or harmed directly or indirectly by these organisms.

They play an important role in medicine yielding antibiotics, in agriculture by maintaining the fertility of the soil and causing crop and fruit diseases, forming basis of many industries and as important means of food. Some of the fungi are important research tools in the study of fundamental biological processes.

main body

Role of Fungi in Medicine:

Some fungi produce substances which help to cure diseases caused by the pathogenic microorganisms. These substances are called the antibiotics.

The term antibiotic, therefore, denotes an organic substance, produced by a microorganism, which inhibits the growth of certain other microorganisms. The most important antibiotics are produced by the moulds, actinomycetes or bacteria.

They are used to combat the evil effects of pathogenic bacteria and viruses. The use of antibiotics is not limited to disease treatment.The addition to certain antibiotics in small amounts to the feed of slaughter animals promotes rapid growth and improves the quality of the meat products. Application of an antibiotic to surface of freshly killed poultry preserves the fresh-killed taste during long periods of refrigeration.

The discovery of antibiotic agents as drugs is comparatively a recent history. The role of fungi m producing antibiotic substances was first established by Sir Alexander Fleming in 1929.

He extracted the great antibiotic drug Penicillin from Penicillium notatum. It was the first antibiotic to be widely used. Penicillin is an organic substance lethal to microbes. It is far more effective than ordinary drugs and germicides.

It has no adverse effect on human protoplasm but kills bacteria especially gram-positive type. Penicillin is now produced on a commercial scale all over the world including India from the improved strains of P. notatum and P. chrysogenum.

There is a Penicillin factory at Pimpri in India. The success of penicillin as an antibiotic was later found to be limited. Naturally this led to further research for new antibiotics which would act on pathogenic bacteria and viruses not affected by penicillin.

This research resulted in the discovery of a number of other antibiotics. Of these, streptomycin is another.

. Role of Fungi in Agriculture:

The fungi play both a negative and a positive role in agriculture.

It serves two purposes:

(i) Causes the dough to rise.

(ii) Makes the bread light.


They can't move around the way animals do, and they don't produce their own foods the way plants do. ... Mycorrhiza are associations of fungi with the roots of plants. This association is important for many different crops that humans rely on for food. The fungi help the plants absorb nutrients and water more efficiently.

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