can you name some diseases which are transmitted by ais
Infections common to HIV/AIDS
Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP). This fungal infection can cause severe illness. ...
Candidiasis (thrush). Candidiasis is a common HIV -related infection. ...
Tuberculosis (TB). ...
Cytomegalovirus. ...
Cryptococcal meningitis. ...
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How Are Diseases Transmitted?
Medically reviewed by University of Illinois — Written by Valencia Higuera — Updated on July 26, 2017
Direct contact
Indirect contact
Preventing transmission
Infectious diseases are transmitted from person to person by direct or indirect contact. Certain types of viruses, bacteria, parasites, and fungi can all cause infectious disease. Malaria, measles, and respiratory illnesses are examples of infectious diseases.
Simple preventative measures, such as frequent hand washing, can cut down on disease transmission.
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