can you please explain the procedure of the investigatory project on the study of coagulable and non coagulable milk proteins???
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AIMTo study the coaguable and non-coaguable milk proteinsINTRODUCTIONMilk is considered an idea ood as it contains most o the constituents o our diet! It is arichsource o proteins and ats! It also contains calcium and phosphorous in suicient"uantity!Thereore # milk is considered to be an important diet or the gro$ing children#and pregnant andlacing $omen! The milk o bualo# co$ and goat are commonly usedor human consumption!Milk is slightly hea%ier than $ater &speciic gra%ity ' (!)*+, andhas a slightly acidic p &p '.!/,!T0 1ARIOU2 CON2TITU0NT2 O3 MI45 AND T0IR6COM7ON0NT2 70RC0NTA80( 9ater :/!*; <utter at *!:* Casein &a protein, ;!+=Albumin and globulin &other proteins, )!/+ 4actose &milk sugar , +!). Ash &minerals, )!/T0OR>Casein is the principal type o protein present in the milk! It represent about :)6 proteinnitrogen o the milk! <-lactoglobulins and a-lactalbumin are the other proteins othe milk! 2omeantibodies called immunoglobulins present in milk are also proteins!Casein can be coagulated by acid# rennet and heating! It is a coaguable protein!The other milk proteins i!e! b-lactoglubind and a-lactoalbumins are called non-coaguable proteins as they can becoagulated only by heating!The study o presence o coaguableand non-coaguable proteins in milk has been taken in thispro?ect!$hey and caseinCaseinCasein is the name or a amily o related phosphoprotein proteins &@2(# @2;# # B,! These proteins are commonly ound in mammalian milk# making up :)6 o the proteinsinco$milkand bet$een .)6 and .+6 o the proteins in human milk! Casein has a $ide%ariety o uses#rom being a ma?or component o cheese# to use as a ood additi%e# to a binder or saetymatches! As a ood source# casein suppliesaminoacidscarbohydratesand t$o inorganic elements#calciumand phosphorus 9hey proteinis a miture oglobular proteinsisolated rom$hey#the li"uid material created as a by- product ocheese production! 2ome preclinical studies in rodents ha%e suggested that$heyprotein may possessanti-inlammatoryor anti-cancer properties ho$e%er# human data islacking! The eects o $hey protein on human health are o great interest and arecurrently beingin%estigated as a $ay o reducing disease risk# as $ell as a possiblesupplementary treatment orse%eral diseases! 9hey protein is commonly marketed andingested as adietary supplement#and%arious health claims ha%e been attributed to it inthealternati%e medicinecommunity! Although$hey proteins are responsible or somemilkallergies#the ma?or allergens in milk are thecaseins! Materials Re"uiredMilk# test tubes# rennin tablets# millonEs reagent# beaker# burner etc!0F70RIM0NTA4 7ROC0DUR0(! Take about ;)ml o milk in a beaker! 8rind a rennin tablet and add it to the milk!; !9arm the milk! The milk $ill coagulate!* 3ilter the coagulated &solidiied, milk! The li"uid ilterate is $hey!= Take a small amount o $hey in separate test tubes and test it or the prescence o protein byusing MillonEs reagent!O<20R1ATION9hey gi%es positi%e test or protein# indicating the prescence o non-coaguable proteinsin $hey!CONC4U2IONCo$ and bualo milks contains both coaguable and non-coaguable proteins!
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