can you please give me some lines on Peacock for my english project??
A peacock is a large, male bird that can lift up its long, colorful tail feathers and spread them open like a fan. It is also called a peafowl. The spots on its feathers look like eyes and are very brightly colored so that they can get the attention of a female, just like it got everyone's attention walking around at the zoo. The bigger and brighter the feathers are, the better! Their tails alone can be about 6 feet long!
A peacock's fancy feathers aren't just good for getting the attention of the ladies, however. If he is in danger, a peacock will fluff up his feathers to make himself look much bigger than he really is, to scare off the enemy.
The females are called peahens and are a brownish color. They don't have the beautiful, long tail feathers that the males have, but there's an important reason why they are so plain. After a peahen lays her eggs, she sits on them in a nest on the ground until they hatch. That brown color helps hide her in the bushes so that she and her eggs don't become snacks! The babies that hatch out of the eggs are called peachicks, and the peahen will take care of them by herself as they grow up.