Can you pls answer the following qs. w.r.t. both C3 and C4 plants.Thank You.It would be very helpful to me.
1)CO2 fixation rate under high light conditions:Low /high /medium
2)Whether photorespiration is present at low light intensities:High /negligible /sometimes
3)Whether photorespiration is present at high light intensities:High /negligible /sometimes
4)Whether photorespiration is present at low CO2 conc.:High /negligible/ sometimes
5)Whether photorespiration is present at high CO2 conc.:High/ negligible /sometimes
6)Temperature optimum:30-40 /20-25 /above 40 C
1. For C3 plants, RuBisCO enzyme being the primary carbon fixing enzyme of the plant, the productivity is less in high light conditions.
For C4 plants, the productivity is high even in high light conditions.
2.Photorespiration is high in case of C3 plants. For C4 plants, photorespiration is low.
3. For C3 plants, photorespiration is high in high light conditions. For C4 plants, photorespiration is low.
4. Photorespiration is high in C3 plants in low CO2 concentration. In C4 plants, photorespiration doesn’t occur.
5. For C3 plants, photorespiration is low in case of high CO2 concentration. For C4 plants, photorespiration doesn’t occur.
6. Temperature for C3 plants is 30 to 40. For C4 plants above 40 is also okay.
To know:
The difference between photorespiration and pentose phosphate pathway
What is c2 cycle...?