Can you tell me active and passive voice
Active voice is
John eats an apple.
Here the subject is described with respect to the object and the verb.
In passive voice
The apple is eaten by John
Here the object is described with respect to the subject and the verb.
Active voice and passive voice.
Active voice -The active voice describes a sentence where the subject performs the action stated by the verb. It follows a clear subject + verb + object construct that's easy to read. Just remember if they say this person did something it is active voice.
Example-Harry is reading a book. Harry is doing something.
Passive voice-The passive voice is used to show interest in the person or object that experiences an action rather than the person or object that performs the action. In other words, the most important thing or person becomes the subject of the sentence. Basically this thing was done they haven't mentioned who has done it.
Example- The kindle was being read. They haven't mentioned who was reading the book. Just the the kindle is being read.
Hope this helps you.