can you tell me some interesting facts about our universe?
one thing i want to add our universe increasing every second due to dark energy
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1.) Our universe [our universe!!? Yes,!!!, scientis now states that there could be many universe(time bubble) ] and is only 14 billion years old ....and based on big bang its expanding (inflation) at the 90% speed of light ..... 2.) Milky way ....y its called like tat,cause it is in white color(mean mist of cloud debris around milky way reflect the light in the white spectrum) , and at its center a big( very big) black hole is holding all the stars around it including our star(sun) like our sun holding the planets 3.) You may well know tat; for every reaction there must be an opposite and an equal reaction,u know thiz formula nah if not ;! check out newtons law, So when big bang occurred ( offo, this is how our universe born from the bang or bigest fire works ) it also created the opposit material or molecules call anti matter, now scientist are poised to find the antimatter out in all the know molecules. 4.) Our universe 80% is made up of dark matter ....y its is called dark matter, cause it is invisible ....wat!!! If its invisible then how come we say it is dark ....well u look up in the dark sky ( at the night time ) u will notice Billon's of star like dots in a black background then beside that u will nothing but dark, those dark space b/w each star are some invisible matter is filled, thos matter is called dark matter .....
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