Physics, asked by rikguha234, 8 days ago

Can you tell me the answers for the following questions?

As light from a star spreads out and weakens, do gaps form between the photons?
Can a fire have a shadow?
Can air make shadows?
Can gold be created from other elements?
Can light bend around corners?
Can momentum be hidden to human eyes like how kinetic energy can be hidden as heat?
Can one bit of light bounce off another bit of light?
Can radio antennas emit visible light?
Can sound waves generate heat?
Can the decay half-life of a radioactive material be changed?
Can you go fast enough to get enough mass to become a black hole?
Can you make a shock wave of light by breaking the light barrier just like supersonic airplanes break the sound barrier?
Can you make a sunset in a cup of milk?
Could electronic devices charge themselves without being plugged into an electricity source?
Could scientists perfectly simulate the entire universe in a computer, down to the last atom?
Do atoms ever actually touch each other?
Do flames contain plasma?
Does a source of electricity ever run out of electrons?
Does an atom have a color?
Does an electron in an atom move at all?
Does the negative mass of antimatter mean that it's gravitationally repelled from stars?
Does time go faster at the top of a building compared to the bottom?
How bad would a person's injuries be if an elevator's cables snapped at the 100th floor so that the elevator fell to the bottom?
How can a clear object be transparent and visible at the same time?
How can a material at a certain temperature have all of its molecules at the same energy?
How can an electron leap between atomic levels without passing through all the space in between?
How can it be so hard to drag rubber across smooth glass if friction is caused by surface roughness?
How can we travel to the past?
How did Archimedes use mirrors to burn up invaders' ships?
How do airplanes fly upside down if it's the shape of the wings that make them fly?
How do free energy machines work?
How do levers create energy if the conservation of energy does not allow energy to be created?
How do projectors project the color black?
How do scientists cool objects to absolute zero?
How do tractor beams work?
How do you focus regular light to make it a laser beam?
How do you make a one-photon-thick beam of light?
How does a microwave oven heat up food even though it emits no thermal radiation?
How does a penny left on the track derail a train?
How does a photon accelerate to light speed so quickly?
How does quantum theory allow a rock to turn suddenly into a duck?
How does sound going slower in water make it hard to talk to someone underwater?
How high does a building have to be for a penny dropped from the top to kill a person on the ground?
How is a magnetic field just an electric field with relativity applied?
How long can you use a cell phone before getting a brain tumor?
If I hammered and flattened a penny enough, could I cover the entire earth with it?
If I'm on an elevator that breaks loose and plummets down the shaft, can I avoid harm by jumping at the last second?
Is it possible to create magnetic waves?
Is light a particle or a wave?
Is metal a good heat shield?
Is the reason that nothing can go faster than light because we have not tried hard enough?
Is there any difference between antimatter, dark matter, dark energy, and degenerate matter?
Light has no mass so it also has no energy according to Einstein, but how can sunlight warm the earth without energy?
Since gravity is unlimited, can we use it as an infinite energy source?
What are some other ways to save energy in a car besides turning off the air conditioner and rolling down the windows?
What is the shape of an electron?
What is the speed of dark?
What is the speed of electricity?
What is the speed of gravity?
What is the strongest magnetic field possible? Is there a limit?
What keeps a bicycle balanced?


Answered by devendradhurve555

Loudness is a measure of the response of the ear to the sound. Its amplitude defines the loudness of a sound. The amplitude of a sound decides its intensity, which is perceived by the ear as loud.

Therefore, the following is the table that explains the difference between loudness and intensity:



Loudness is the measure of the response of the ear to the sound. Intensity is the sound power per unit area.

Loudness is measured in decibels. Intensity is measured in Watt per meter square.

Loudness is dependent on the sensitivity of the human ears. Intensity is independent of the sensitivity of the human ears.

Loudness is a subjective quantity. Intensity is an objective quantity.

Check the video below and learn about the Characteristics Of Sound Waves:

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Tanmoy Laskar FEBRUARY 23, 2020 AT 9:14 PM

Your answer help me to solve my question.Please give more better answer next time.



Id rather not FEBRUARY 23, 2020 AT 9:14 PM



Soham APRIL 27, 2020 AT 8:56 PM

Very good liked it


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