English, asked by krishshan009, 6 months ago

Can you think of something that you observed or that happened to you which was
ironic? Try to explain what the situation was and why it was ironic.​


Answered by anushaBBPS

Answer:Considerable thought is given to what events constitute “true” irony, and the dictionary is often called upon to supply an answer. Here are the facts about how the word irony is used.

Irony has two formal uses that are not as common in general prose as its more casual uses. One refers to Socratic irony—a method of revealing an opponent’s ignorance by pretending to be ignorant yourself and asking probing questions. The other refers to dramatic irony or tragic irony—an incongruity between the situation in a drama and the words used by the characters that only the audience can see. Socratic irony is a tool used in debating; dramatic irony is what happens when the audience realizes that Romeo and Juliet’s plans will go awry.

The third, and debated, use of irony regards what’s called situational irony. Situational irony involves a striking reversal of what is expected or intended: a person sidesteps a pothole to avoid injury and in doing so steps into another pothole and injures themselves. Critics claim the words irony and ironic as they are used in cases lacking a striking reversal, such as “Isn’t it ironic that you called just as I was planning to call you?,” are more properly called coincidence.

The historical record shows that irony and ironic have been used imprecisely for almost 100 years at least, and often to refer to coincidence. This 1939 quote from F. Scott Fitzgerald is typical: "It is an ironic thought that the last picture job I took—against my better judgment—yielded me five thousand dollars five hundred and cost over four thousand in medical attention." Is this true situational irony? It’s debatable.

The word irony has come to be applied to events that are merely curious or coincidental, and while some feel this is an incorrect use of the word, it is merely a new one.

Irony is a literary technique in which what is written or stated is different from or the opposite of what is expected. There are several types of irony. For example, verbal irony is when a person says the opposite of what they mean, often to sarcastic effect, such as when a customer says "Good job," to a waiter who has dropped his tray.

As you'll see in the examples below, situational irony also requires one's expectations to be thwarted, but in this case, it occurs when an expected outcome does not happen, or its opposite happens instead. Situational irony is also sometimes called an irony of events. The outcome can be tragic or humorous, but it is always unexpected.


Answered by bhaskarpanday101


Pakistan Chaudhary Khan

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