cannizzaro reaction .
pls tell with an example in written . don't post inrevelant answer
Cannizzaro reaction: Aldehydes having no α-hydrogen atoms undergo self oxidation and reduction (disproportionation) reactions on treatment with a concentrated alkali. In such reactions, one molecule of aldehyde gets oxidised to form an acid and the other molecule of aldehyde gets reduced to form an alcohol.
A reaction of aldehydes to give carboxylic acids and alcohols. It occurs in the presence of strong bases with aldehydes that do not have alpha hydrogen atoms.
For example,
benzenecarbaldehyde gives benzenecarboxylic acid and benzyl alcohol:2C6H5CHO → C6H5COOH+C6H5CH2OH Aldehydes that have alpha hydrogen atoms undergo the aldol reaction instead. The Cannizzaro reaction is an example of a disproportionation. It was discovered by Stanislao Cannizzaro.