Accountancy, asked by vadlurilavanya2020, 3 months ago

Capital is ______.
out standing salaries is ______


Answered by suman1786saini


;Delhi, danger hduhdidndjfjfbufnfhthtbutjrht

Answered by sachinkumar1812


Capital is ______.

out standing salaries is ______


Capital is a broad term that can describe any thing that confers value or benefit to its owner, such as a factory and its machinery, intellectual property like patents, or the financial assets of a business or an individual.

Outstanding salaries are the salaries that are due and have not yet been paid. For example if an employee of a XYZ company worked for a 4 month and still have not been paid so, the salaries are 'owing' or 'payable' or 'outstanding'. Answer: Outstanding salary is salary due but paid yet.

Hope this helps you dear !!

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