English, asked by ysunilkumar559, 7 months ago

cardiovascular disease and heart attack can be reduced by around 50% through​


Answered by ElegantMermaid


Hey mate,

Your answer is as follows:

More than 50 percent of deaths and disability from heart disease and strokes, which together kill more than 12 million people world-wide each year, can be cut by a combination of simple, cost effective national efforts and individual actions to reduce major risk factors such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity and smoking, the World Health Organization (WHO) says.

Most of the benefits from these combined interventions can be achieved within five years of their implementation, since the progression of cardiovascular (CV) disease is relatively easily interrupted.

If no action is taken to improve cardiovascular health and current trends continue, WHO estimates that 25 per cent more healthy life years will be lost to cardiovascular disease globally by 2020. The brunt of this increase will be borne by developing countries.

These findings come from the first-ever global analysis of disease burden due to major CV risks: high blood pressure, high cholesterol, tobacco, obesity, physical inactivity and low consumption of fruits and vegetables. They are contained in the upcoming World Health Report 2002: reducing risks, promoting healthy life, to be released at the end of this month.

One major finding of the report is that blood pressure alone causes about 50 percent of CV disease world-wide. Cholesterol causes about one-third. Inactive lifestyles, tobacco use and low fruit and vegetable intake account for 20 percent each. (These per centages add up to more than 100 percent because some risks overlap. One individual could be at risk from cholesterol alone, while another could be at risk from cholesterol and blood pressure together. 1)

It was estimated that about nine million deaths and more than 75 million lost healthy life years annually were due to unfavourable levels of blood pressure or cholesterol.

Overall approximately 75 percent of CV disease can be attributed to the established risks assessed in the report, far higher than the one-third to one-half commonly thought. The burden is about equally shared among men and women.

In total, 10-30 percent of adults in almost all countries suffer from high blood pressure, but a further 50-60 percent would be in better health if they had lower blood pressure. Even small reductions in blood pressure for this "silent majority" would reduce their hearth attack and stroke risk. A very similar pattern occurs for cholesterol. 2

"The global disease burden due to blood pressure is twice as much as previously thought," says Gro Harlem Brundtland, M.D., Director-General of WHO. “This reflects recent findings on how strongly blood pressure is linked to disease in many diverse populations around the globe and the realization that most people have sub-optimal levels.”

The most immediate improvements in cardiovascular health can be achieved with a combination of drugs – statins for cholesterol lowering and low-doses of common blood pressure lowering drugs and aspirin -- given daily to people at elevated risk of heart attack and stroke. This highly effective combination therapy could be much more widely used in the industrialized world, and is increasingly affordable in the developing world.


Hope You Can Find Your Suitable Answer from the above paragraphs....

Thanks & Regards....

Answered by chandanchauhanharaiy


Cardiovascular disease and heart attacks can be reduced by around 50% through:

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