Physics, asked by praful2330, 10 months ago

Cargo is loaded at the bottom of the ship, why?


Answered by Anonymous


Cargo is loaded in the lowest deck of a ship. This considerably lowers the CG and hence the turning moments of the weight also decrease. This increases the stability of the ship.

Answered by nishu11223


This is most certainly not the case for all ships. But for most ships in its . This has everything to do with stability. When you place the cargo high the centre of gravity will shift upwards. If the centre moves to much up the GM will become negative. This is the distance between an imaginary rotation point (metacentre) and the centre of gravity. This distance of GM is a measure for the stability. This distance influences the rigthing moment of the vessel. With a negative GM the vessel will end up side down.

So to make sure stability is oke the cargo is place in the lower compartments. However if you are more stable the vessel will correct the heeling angle faster and will be less comfortable

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