Economy, asked by pranjalsemwal2, 4 months ago

case study on consumer awareness


Answered by tochigeorge13


I really hope this helps


A case study of Jalna city


Each of us a consumer. We consume different commodities and services right from our birth to death. All the business activities revolve around the consumer. In the words of Mahatma Gandhi (1980) “a customer is the most important visitor on our premises, he is not dependent on us, we depend on him. He makes favour to us, not we favour him. ” Do the manufacturers, the marketers respect and satisfy the customers? Today’s customer is said to the kind of the market. Is this true? Due to lack of awareness consumers fall prey to unfair and fraudulent tactics of the marketers. The form of exploitation may be look- alike e.g. Lifebuoy-lifebuoy, less weight, inferior quality goods and services and exorbitant prices. So, there is need of creating consumer awareness in our country. Higher the consumer awareness, lower the exploitation and vice versa. The degree of consumer awareness determines the satisfaction levels and standard of living of the consumers. Consumer awareness may be defined as clearly understanding the need and priority of purchasing, conditions warranties of purchase agreement and rights and duties of consumers. The consumer must be aware regarding his right and available legal measures against exploitation. In order to create consumer awareness and safeguarding their interest, the Government of India has enacted MRTP act, 1968, essential Commodities act, 1955, Sales of Goods act, 1955 and Protection of consumer act, 1986. In spite of all these efforts, consumer awareness is not up to the mark of India. Indian consumer is a victim of exploitation in the form of standard goods and services, false guarantee, exorbitant prices and fraudulent tactics. Creation of consumer awareness is a big task in our vast country. Due to some impediments such as, illiteracy, indifferent attitude, ignorance of law, lengthy legal procedures etc, and the degree of consumer awareness is a very low in India. The present study has a good deal of relevance in the present context i.e. increasing income levels, changing consumption patterns, globalisation of Indian markets etc. It is the need of hour to enhance consumer awareness and impart consumer education in our country wherein there are more than 35 crore illiterate people and indifferent attitude prevails in the society towards consumer protection. Even educated people are not aware about their rights as consumers and prevalent laws protecting the interests of the consumers. The present study is an attempt to probe into the awareness of the consumers, their reactions regarding service providing agencies and make some possible suggestions in order to overcome the problems

Answered by budhprakashsingh123



Case Studies For December 2016

Case Study #1

In June 2016, Lynette* paid $3,000 and purchased a puppy and other dog accessories from a pet shop. A few weeks after she brought the puppy home, it fell sick. Lynette brought the puppy to a veterinary clinic where it was diagnosed with a congenital disorder which required immediate surgery. The consultancy fees and the medical expenses added up to $2,700. Lynette requested for reimbursement of the medical expenses.

CASE highlighted to the pet shop that pets are covered under the Lemon Law. After negotiation, both parties agreed to a $1,500 refund to Lynette as the final settlement.

Case Study #2

In May 2016, Jonathan* engaged a company to repair his faulty aircon. He was told that the defect would be rectified after changing a particular part of the aircon and agreed to pay $390. However, the aircon failed to work properly despite multiple repairs. Two weeks later, the company suggested chemical washing at $120. Jonathan spoke to the technician and it was agreed that he would pay the sum after the aircon was repaired. Once again, the technician failed to repair the aircon and claimed that the problem may lie with the compressor instead. He demanded payment of $120 for the chemical washing. Jonathan was dissatisfied and called a different company which repaired the aircon within three days. In lieu of the unsatisfactory services, Jonathan requested for a refund of $390.

CASE highlighted to the company that it is an unfair practice under the Consumer Protection (Fair Trading) Act (CPFTA) to make false claims about the functionality or benefits of goods or services. The company eventually agreed to refund $350 (less $40 labour fees) to Mr Tan.

Case Study #3

In September 2016, Ellen* visited a beauty salon for mole removal services. The beautician informed her that she would need to pay $10 to remove each mole. Subsequently, four moles were removed from Ellen’s skin. After the mole removal was completed, the beautician applied some liquid solution on her skin and informed Ellen that the bill was $128. Ellen disagreed as she was not informed that she would need to pay for the solution, which would supposedly aid the skin in healing without scarring. She asked for a refund of $88.

CASE highlighted to the beauty salon that it was an unfair practice under the CPFTA to omit to do or say anything, if as a result, the consumer might reasonably be deceived or misled. The salon eventually agreed to refund $88 to Ellen.

Case Study #4

Imelda* wanted to purchase eight identical dresses for a dance performance. She visited the company's website and requested for a particular model. A photo of the desired dress was sent to her. She agreed and paid $784 for the eight dresses. However, when the dresses were delivered, she found out that the colour and cutting of the dresses differed significantly as compared to the photo. She requested to return the dresses for a refund.

CASE highlighted to the company that Imelda had the right to ask for compensation under the Lemon Law if the goods delivered did not conform to contract. Both parties eventually agreed on a 50% refund to Imelda on the condition that she kept the dresses.


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