case study on sikkim go green
Sustainability Zero
E-Gov admin 21 Jan 2016 0 Comment 11535 Views E-Gov, Ecology, Pickout, Views Eco-tourism, Government India, Narendra Modi, Organic Sikkim, Pawan Chamling, Sikkim, Sustainable Farming
Green Sikkim
To be brutally honest, Sikkim does not really count for much in the larger sphere of things in India. Which is not altogether surprisingly, the small land-locked Himalayan state also happens to be the least populous state in India and the second-smallest state after Goa in total area, covering approximately 7,096 km2. On the economic front, Sikkim had the third-smallest GDP among Indian states. And then comes the geographic isolation, it lies on the North-Eastern tip of India, a kind of lost kingdom of Shangri-La.
Yet, the tiny state is now transmuted itself into a beacon of sustainable farming, not only in India but across the globe. The proof of Sikkim’s success has been in the recent declaration of the state as a complete organic state by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. In doing so, Sikkim has become the first state in the Indian union to be declared completely organic.
sry if anw is wrong