Political Science, asked by kollurusneha2002, 4 months ago

Case Study
You hold a BA in radio and television and were sent to a broadcasting network of the Armed
Forces Radio and Television Service. After a I month orientation in the overseas area at
network headquarters, you were sent to one of the outlying stations as OIC.
Aft out
Mr. Henry P. Moon is a GS-12 who has worked with the network for 10 years. As the
network engineer, he's always dependable as well as an efficient manager. But he has the kind
of personality that evokes either fear or deep resentment.
The previous network commander felt very strongly that the television station should
have rear screen projection capability. His pet project was to procure the equipment and get it
to the station. After 3 years in supply channels, the equipment package was finally shipped.
Mr. Moon's branch, which had ordered the projection system, unpacked and inspected the
equipment, then sent it to your outlying television station,
You had heard about the new equipment, but you weren't prepared for the package that arrived.
Your studio could best be described as small, designed for minimal operations. The projector,
once assembled, was carried on a stand that was too tall to clear the studio lights. The
projector's minimum focal "throw" was twice the length of the largest room in his building.
and, when it was turned on, the projector took so much clectricity it blew every circuit breaker
in the station. The screen was sa large it couldn't be assembled inside the boilding.
ed on credit)
It was soon apparent that this projection system was designed for a fully capable
commercial television studio, and not for your station. When you considered the cost of
modifying the studio to permit this expensive picce of equipment to do the job, you quickly
decided it wasn't worth it.
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When you attempted to return the projection package to network headquarters, you were told,
in no uncertain terms by Mr. Moon, that you would keep the projector, and if you couldn't find
a way to use it, you'd probably lose your job. Mr. Moon's exact words were: "Licutenant, if
you can't put a first-class piece of equipment like this to work, you probably couldn't manage
a one-truck convoy." Obviously you have a problem to deal with!
What will you do?​


Answered by spammer1757


The Ninth Commandment of the Ten Commandments could refer to: "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour" under the Philonic division used by Hellenistic Jews, Greek Orthodox and Protestants except Lutherans, or the Talmudic division of the third-century Jewish Talmud.

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