Cassandra has properties of both __________ and ____________ .
Cassandra has properties of both atomicity, consistency, and durability
Cassandra is an opensource database, which is capable of handling a large amount of data.
It is used in schools, offices and for storing government data such as the census.
It is used by Facebook, Twitter, eBay, etc.
Features of Cassandra
- It has properties of atomicity, consistency, and durability. Thus it supports the quick transaction.
- Data distribution is simple and it is easy to use.
- Cassandra allows flexibility in data storage.
Cassandra has properties of both writing and sensor data, error logging.
By application of Cassandra you can do tasks like stuff- like time based writing, time based log’s related to activities, sensor data, error logging etc.
You design your schemes the way you like ,or want to query data later on.
After that you just throw away data. If you want to update or delete a lot of objects from your file, you should not build on Cassandra.
Updates and Deletes will lead to massive creation of tombstones which will lead to producing massive garbage.
And collection of which will deteriorate performance, especially for reads.