English, asked by jamesmarc3384, 6 months ago

Catastrophe of Oedipus Rex


Answered by arundhathik2006

In Sophocles' “Oedipus Rex,” peripeteia leads to anagnorisis, which in turns leads to catastrophe or a terrible suffering. Catastrophe reveals the truth about the origin of Oedipus, after which the Queen Jocasta hangs herself, and Oedipus stabs his eyes, pleading to be exiled.

Answered by margibhavsar81


In Sophocles' “Oedipus Rex,” peripeteia leads to anagnorisis, which in turns leads to catastrophe or a terrible suffering. Catastrophe reveals the truth about the origin of Oedipus, after which the Queen Jocasta hangs herself, and Oedipus stabs his eyes, pleading to be exiled.

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