categorise the following parts under 1-external 2-middle 3-internal ears
The cavity of the middle ear is a narrow air-filled space. A slight constriction divides it into an upper and a lower chamber, the tympanum (tympanic cavity) proper below and the epitympanum above. These chambers are also referred to as the atrium and the attic, respectively. The middle-ear space roughly resembles a rectangular room with four walls, a floor, and a ceiling. The outer (lateral) wall of the middle-ear space is formed by the tympanic membrane. The ceiling (superior wall) is a thin plate of bone that separates the middle-ear cavity from the cranial cavity and brain above.
1}external ear -ear drum,pinna tympanum.
2}middle ear -hammer,anvil,stirrup,oval window.
3}internal ear - cochlea, semicircular canals