catering to the needs of important is it to look after them ?
One of our main responsibilities towards our pets is ensuring their health and welfare. When a pet is sick, it needs medical attention, and
even on a yearly basis a pet should have a check-up by a veterinarian. Like us, our pets can get sick and need medicines too. Preventing
and curing disease not only keeps them healthy, but it keeps us healthy too. The animal health sector is at the forefront of pet healthcare
and is continuously developing new products to ensure our pets lead comfortable and healthy lives. This includes vaccination,
deworming, flea and tick treatments, dental care and skincare. When a family decides to welcome a cat or dog into their home, it is
important to have them checked over by a vet and ensure they are vaccinated against serious diseases such as Rabies, Hepatitis,
Parvovirus or Leptospirosis in dogs or Chlamydiosis, Cat Flu, and Feline Leukaemia in cats. Anti-parasitics are vital if you want to share
your home with a cat or a dog – ensuring they are free of fleas, worms, ticks will not only ensure your pet is healthy, it will mean you are
kept healthy too and your house is kept free of these parasites.