Cause of French revolution. Explain
The causes of the French Revolution can be attributed to several intertwining factors: ... Financial: France's debt, aggravated by French involvement in the American Revolution, led Louis XVI to implement new taxations and to reduce privileges
The landmark in the past of Europe and the world is known as the French Revolution.
French Revolution led to the demise of the monarchy in France and the new method of government was organized.
• Long years of wars had depleted the financial resources of France.
• With the war the cost of maintaining an extravagant court of the immense palace of Versailles.
• Beneath Louis XVI, France helped the thirteen American colonies to develop their independence from the general enemy, Britain.
• The war added more than a billion livers to a debt that had already risen to more than 2 billion livers.
• Lenders who gave the state credit, now begin to charge 10% interest on loans.