causes and measures for unemployment
causes :
1.increasing population
2. poverty and illiteracy
1.schemes started by govt. to increase literacy rate
2. human resource development
There are three measures or estimates of unemployment. These are developed by National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO). They are:
1. Usual Status Unemployment:
Also known as open unemployment or chronic unemployment. This measure estimates the number of persons who remained unemployed for a major part of the year. This measure gives the lowest estimates of unemployment.
This concept used to determine the usual activity status of a person as employed or unemployed or outside the labour force. The persons covered may be classified into those working or available for work in their principal activity sector and subsidiary sector.
2. Weekly Status Unemployment:
The estimate measures unemployment with respect to one week. A person is said to be unemployed if he is not able to work even for an hour during the survey period. In other words according to this estimate a person is said to be employed for the week even if he/she is employed only for a day during that week.
3. Current Daily Status Unemployment:
It considers the activity status of a person for each day of the preceding seven days. The reference period here is a day. If a person did not find work on a day or some days during the survey week, he/she is regarded as unemployed.
Normally if a person works for four hours or more during a day, he or she is considered as employed for the whole day. The daily status unemployment is considered to be a comprehensive measure of unemployment.
Causes of Unemployment in India:
The important causes of Unemployment in India are as follows:
1. Rapid growth of population and increase in labour force.
2. Underdevelopment of the economy.
3. Slow growth in the agricultural sector.
4. Defective system of education.
5. Absence of manpower planning.
6. Degeneration of village industries.
7. Inappropriate technology.
8. Slow growth of industrial sector.
9. Immobility of labour.
10. Jobless growth.