causes for low HD I in India
The country's unsatisfactory ranking can be due to various reasons such as inequality, inadequate medical and education services, population explosion. However, one of the biggest contributors to India's low HDI is unemployment.
The current levels of human development in India are extremely low for many reasons. India has always had a low level of human development due problems many major problems such as finance, education, gender inequality and many more. These have caused many detrimental and concerning effects on India’s society. These include the infamous slums of India that are living under poor conditions and have struggling conditions to even live in comparison to the wealthy Indians that are well off. To solve these problems it is imperative that the causes of these problems are investigated first.
In terms of causes that affected human development in India as a whole, there aren’t many, but they affect India at very high levels.
One includes the presences of the caste system in India. [31] The separation and classification of various Indian societies by socio-economic status has resulted in many becoming disadvantaged, and having low levels of education, health and income within their society. Introduced by the British and currently outlawed by the Indian government, the caste system still affects many areas which had been placed lowly within the caste system, and are to some extent still discriminated even now. For example, the Pashto people of India are stereotypically known to be quite low within the caste system, [31] and are still considered to be quite uncivilised. As a result, these people are discriminated in Indian society, and suffer greatly due to this. The discrimination extends to all areas of human development including in the work force (income), schools (education) and the health system (health). This discrimination also extends to many other Indian societies, not only that of the Pashto’s’. This causes low levels of human development in many parts of India and has a result greatly affected Indian human development as a whole.
Another cause of low levels of human development includes the lack of socioeconomic safety nets. Much of India having a low development score on the HDI is because of the nation not having ‘socioeconomic safety nets’ for the urban poor. Socioeconomic safety nets are transfer programs with the aim of preventing the poor or those vulnerable to poverty from falling below a certain poverty level. [32] India does not have these transfer programs and as a result many people have been cast and subject to very extreme levels of poverty. Basic needs are missing among these people, and they live extremely difficult lives
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