Causes of climate change and its impact on regional and national agriculture
1.-Emission of Co2 and other green house gases.
2.-Deforestation as trees act as carbon sinks.
3.-Rapid industrialisation exhausting non renewable resources and simultaneously adding more harmful gases increasing the global warming effect.
Effect on agriculture:-
1.Climate change may effect the monsoon in our Country hence causing drought.This may lead to shortage of food production and hence creating farmer’s distress and may also cause food inflation.Climate change may also cause flooding situations which again will destroy crops.This will again lead to shortage of food which may lead to more import and less export.
2.-Vehicular and Industrial emmisions which are a major cause of global warming also lead to accumulation of sulphur and nitric oxides into atmosphere which pours down in the form of acid rain which may effect the plant yield as well as the soil fertility and hence affecting the production.
3.-There are certain crops which require certain climatic conditions to grow.For example Kesar that is Safforn grows only in J&K in India as it requires cool temperatures to grow.Climate change due to global warming can affect its production.Similarly other crops may also get affected.